Customer service

Your information is important to us. How can we help you?

Select the type of communication you want to make:


900 444 404

Information request

Find an answer to your questions

Personal details
Reason for the query

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Tell us how to improve

Personal details
Details of the suggestion

Indicate the place you are referring to: station, line or the whole Metro network

Station or line or the whole Metro network

Indicate the date and time the incident took place:

En caso necesario, detalla el número de tren o de instalación:

Reason for the suggestion

Fields marked with * are required. Please read the legal notice before continuing.

Legal notice:


Submit your complaints online

Personal details
Details of the complaint

Indicate the place you are referring to: station, line or the whole Metro network

Station or line or or the whole Metro network

Indicate the date and time the incident took place:

En caso necesario, detalla el número de tren o de instalación:

Reason for the query

Fields marked with * are required. Please read the legal notice before continuing.

Legal notice:

Congratulation / Gratitude

Tell us if your experience has been favourable. If your experience at Metro has been favourable, we’d like you to share it with us

Personal details
Congratulations / Gratitude details (optional)

Indicate if the reason for your congratulations/your gratitude took place at a station, line or the whole Metro network

Station or line or the whole Metro network

Indicate the date and time the incident took place:

Reason for the congratulation / gratitude

Fields marked with * are required. Please read the legal notice before continuing.

Legal notice:

Lost Property

Registra aquí tu solicitud sobre un objeto perdido. También puedes obtener información en el Centro Interactivo de Atención al Cliente, en el 900 444 404.

Personal details
What have you lost?
When and where?

Indicate the date and approximate time when property was lost:

Indicate the station you were at or journey you were making when the property was lost:

Fields marked with * are required. Please read the legal notice before continuing.

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