Theming of the 12 de Octubre station

We are going to a birthday party with Hospital 12 de Octubre and we are putting up special decoration about its history

50 years is a very round number, one of those that are celebrated with pride for the fact of reaching it and for being, at this stage of life, with energy and plans. That is what has just happened to Hospital 12 de Octubre, a reference health centre in Spain that has a Metro station named after it and which, modesty aside, is a real beauty. We wanted to celebrate it with 'our' hospital and for that, we have put up special decoration, one that half a century of history deserves.

Metro has joined the special anniversary with a theming of the station that highlights several of the hospital's milestones, such as its pioneering artificial heart implant in Spain. Through a number of texts and images, the decoration pays tribute to the health centre's professionals and the advances that have made it a national and international benchmark.

Theming of the 12 de Octubre station

The decoration covers an area of 600 square metres and will stay up until the end of the year. The initiative also includes photographs of the new hospital that will be operational in 2024 and illustrations regarding the human body, in which the motif of a figure that transforms into a drawing of the structure of DNA stands out.

Moreover, on the platforms and escalators, passengers can read phrases printed on the walls that explain details and fun facts in an entertaining and educational way, such as the fact that the staff of this hospital is made up of 7,000 professionals, as many as there are in the Metro company.

Theming of the 12 de Octubre station

The 12 de Octubre station was opened in 2007 as part of the extension of Line 3 from Legazpi to Villaverde Alto. In 2022, it had nearly 3.6 million passengers and is currently one of the most emblematic in the network, housing in its hall the impressive mural entitled "Humani Corpori", which represents the human body from different perspectives to provoke in the spectator the same sensation of looking at a sculpture.