The Community of Madrid, with the emerging groups that rehearse in the Metrónomo rooms

A new edition of the Resident Band Concert was held this Thursday at the Pilar Miró Cultural Centre in Vallecas. Pániko Escéniko, Fl4vours, Janito&Los Coloráos, The BlackBones and Creativity is Dead were the stars of the session. Metrónomo has 10 rehearsal rooms, a recording studio and a free consultancy programme to facilitate the incorporation of new bands into the music scene.
The Community of Madrid has organised a new edition of the Resident Band Concert, an initiative that aims to support and showcase the talent of emerging groups rehearsing in the premises of the Metrónomo centre in the capital. After the one held in 2022 on the occasion of the European Year of Youth, five young bands met this Thursday at the Pilar Miró Cultural Centre in Vallecas in a concert attended by over 200 people and which represents a further step in visibility and projection to make their way in the music industry.
Punk and industrial rock was represented by Pánico Escéniko, which will soon release its first album, and by The BlackBones, which already has a first EP, Free to Record. Fl4vours covered soul, pop, R&B and gospel songs in an innovative mix of genres. Creativity is dead has recently started to compose its own songs which range from pop to punk with some metal touches. And Janito & Los Coloráos offered an urban and pop sound in line with the latest musical trends.
The Metrónomo centre, located at Calle Ancora in Madrid, has 10 free rehearsal rooms and a recording studio with the necessary musical equipment for groups and soloists to work meeting high quality standards. It also runs a free consultancy and training programme for its users.
All the information about this space can be found at this link and through the institutional social networks of Juventud (Twitter, Instagram and Facebook: @juventudcmadrid).